A Brief Introduction about me

Welcome to my Website!

As a dedicated businessman and passionate politician inspired by the Bangladesh Nationalist Party (BNP), I am driven to foster progress and unity. This platform reflects my journey, initiatives, and vision to uplift our communities, while upholding the values of democracy and development. Join me in this mission for a brighter Bangladesh.


Political Program

We are committed to restoring honesty, integrity, and accountability to government.

Core Principals

The values of freedom, respect for human rights and the principle of holding elections.

Our Members

Interested in joining us and supporting our mission? Please click below to fill out the form!
My Way

My Biography

Listen to My Speeches

Most Recent Speeches

Speech from
The Latest Fundraising Activity
The Latest Fundraising Activity

A closer look at what can be accomplished if we work together as a society.

The Latest Fundraising Activity

Speech from
Health Care & Your Business
Health Care & Your Business

Get involved in our programs, become a volunteer or join as an activist.

Health Care & Your Business

Speech from
Left–Right Political Spectrum
Left–Right Political Spectrum

The respect for human rights and the principle of holding genuine elections.

Left–Right Political Spectrum

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What We Stand for

As a Businessman, and passionate politician Sheikh Sadi Will:

  • Cap city spending to respect hardworking taxpayers
  • Enforce Quality of Life laws to clean up our streets
  • Support our veterans and seniors
  • Promote an environment in which small businesses can create jobs

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